Monday, 10 August 2015

Create and use Twitter lists

What is a Twitter list?

This features allows you to organize Twitter users in groups and manage how you look at Tweets. You can either create your own list or subscribe to a list created by someone else; Twitter lists can be used to follow a separate group of Twitter users from those you follow. Creating or subscribing to a list allows you to see only Tweets from users on that list. Lists are not a way to send Tweets to a select group, just to read them.

How do I create a list?

  1. Click on the Lists tab on your Profile page.
  2. Click “Create List”.
  3. Create a name for your list and enter a short description. Choose if you want to make your list private (just for you) or public (anyone can subscribe to it).
  4. Click “Save list”. 

How do I add or remove people from my list?

  1. Click on the person icon on the profile page of the person you’d like to add or remove from a list. You do not have to be following them to add them.
  2. Select “Add or remove from lists”.
  3. A pop-up will appear giving you the option to assign the user to any of your existing lists. You can uncheck any lists you would like to remove the user from.
  4. To make sure your list was updated, click on the Lists tab on your Profile page. Click on the list you’re checking on and select “Members”. The person you added should appear there.
You cannot add a user who has blocked you to a list.

How do I share a list with others?

  1. Go to the list you’d like to share.
  2. Copy the URL that shows up in your browser’s address bar.
  3. Paste the URL into a message to anyone you want to share the list with.

How do I look at Tweets from a list?

  1. Click on the Lists tab on your Profile page.
  2. Click on the list you’d like to look at.
  3. You’ll see a timeline of all of the Tweets from the users included in that list.

How do I edit or delete lists?

  1. Click on the Lists tab on your Profile page.
  2. You will see all of the lists you’ve created and lists you follow under “Subscribed to”.
  3. Select the list that you’d like to edit or delete. Click Edit to update list details or click Delete to remove the list.
  4. To add or remove people from your list you must go through the profile page of each person.
To see what lists you’re on go to your Lists page and click on “Member of”.
To remove yourself from a list you’ll need to block whoever created it.

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